Corporate / About Us
The Kocaman family whose commercial business dates back to the establishment of the Turkish Republic has been investing in processed fishery and has determined its vision of being one of the leading companies in the Industry. With our experience of decades, international connections and operational structure, we have a significant reputation worldwide. The conveyance of this commercial status which has been achieved in due diligence to next generations is defined as our company’s most important mission.
The enormous chaos being confronted in food products nowadays has led individuals to be more conscious in healthy nutrition. Under these circumstances Kocaman adopts the principle of providing healthy and reliable fishery products to the consumers in the next market and directly contributing in public health by processing the freshest products at all times in a socially responsible manner. Kocaman directs its investments aiming to contribute in raising young generations by benefiting from this rich and natural protein source in an economical way. Whereas our country imports many products including food we have generated an export potential by converting our national sources into foreign exchange revenues efficiently and as a local company, we are proud of this achievement; we will continue with our investments to improve this mission. We have created a market abroad for national sources such as lake smelt, crayfish, trepang, blue crab, frogs and snails and have encouraged thousands of families to earn money and make their living.
Our products are placed in major supermarkets abroad and we represent our country in 5 continents. Kocaman guides other emerging companies in the industry in competing performance in the international markets.
Providing employment for thousands of families in the region, Kocaman prefers to give chance to female workforces. Besides, we provide support to our national budget by export revenues and taxes.
Kocaman conducts a big transition project in order to reflect its success in the international markets to the local market and accordingly, proceeds with determined steps to position itself as the most known and preferred processed fishery brand of our country.