Blue Fin Tuna

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Yasal regülasyonlar çerçevesinde Akdeniz'de avlanarak Çeşme Karaburun'yer alan çiftlikteki havuzlara aktarılan orkinoslar, burada istenen büyüklüğe ulaşıncaya kadar beslenir, Mart ve Nisan aylarında hasat edilerek başta Japonya olmak üzere dünyanın pek çok ülkesine ihraç edilir.

Latin Name
Thunnus Thynnus

31/60 Kg - 61/120 Kg - 121/180 Kg - 181/240 Kg - 241 Kg up

Loin, Fillets, WR, DR


Blue Fin Tuna


Food Safety and Conservation Conditions

Conservation Condition: It had been produced in compliance with Turkish Food Codex. Conserve at 0°C to +4°C without damaging its original package. It is a ready-to-eat product. Consume cool. Consume in 7 days by storing the refrigerator environment after its package is opened. The allergen products such as the fishes, shells and cephalopods are processed in our plant.”