Shrimp Head On - Frozen
All Products | Frozen Products
The domestic product is preferred, observed with the different calibration options and calibration consistency and processed with the substantially stocks. The products are processed in compliance with the EU regulations.
Latin Name
Parapenaus Longirostis
G00 - G0 - G1 - G2 - G3 - G4 - G5
Packing Weight
1.000 g
Ultra Frozen
Shrimp Head On, Water
Food Safety and Conservation Conditions
Conservation Condition: Conserve in -18˚C without damaging its original package. Do not frost again after it defrosts.
Store in the refrigerator after it defrosts and consume in 1 day.
It had been produced in compliance with Turkish Food Codex Rapidly Defrosting Foods Communique
Defrosting Suggestion: The product transferred to a watering pot should be defrosted until its ice is dissolved under the water flowing at maximum 12 °C.”
Shelf Life
540 Day