Black Sea Trout H&G - Frozen

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The harvest of Rainbow trout, which is transferred to the cages in the Black Sea transferred when it is in 300-400 gams weight, is made in the necessary calibrations until it reaches to 3-4 kilogams weight between the months of November and May. The products are processed in compliance with the EU regulations.

Latin Name
Salmo Trutta Labrax

900/1300 g - 1300/1800 g - 1800/2700 g - 2700/3600 g - 3600 g ve üzeri

%5 Protect

Packing Weight
25.000 g


Black Sea Trout, Water


Food Safety and Conservation Conditions
Conservation Condition: Conserve in -18˚C without damaging its original package. Do not frost again after it defrosts. Store in the refrigerator after it defrosts and consume in 1 day. It had been produced in compliance with Turkish Food Codex Rapidly Defrosting Foods Communique Defrosting Suggestion: The product transferred to a watering pot should be defrosted until its ice is dissolved under the water flowing at maximum 12 °C.”

Shelf Life
540 Day